Lakeville Sno-Trackers
Submitted by Larry Lulf, Lakeville Sno-Tracker member
Last winter our snowmobile club was approached by our grant sponsor and asked if we were interested in participating in a winter fest at one of the city's natural parks. The membership agreed it would be a good time to expose the sport of snowmobiling to adults and kids who otherwise might not have even seen one up close.
The Lakeville Park & Rec. Department couldn't of picked a better location or a better day to celebrate winter, as the weather even cooperated with snow in March. The City took care of the bonfire, the food, the other outdoor activities and the Sno Trackers brought out our trail groomer, laid down a mile long trail through the woods, and provided snowobile rides. Eight of us club members showed up just before noon with our sleds and extra helmets, not knowing how much interest there would be in having a snowmobile ride. It wasn't long and the line started to form. The majority of our riders were young kids who were anxious to experience their first snowmobile ride. But we also had some parents who hadn't ridden since they were kids and wondered how the new snowmobiles had changed. What started out as an apprehensive day, soon turned into a lot of fun for riders and the drivers. By closing time, we'd given about two hundred rides with the only complaint being how long the waiting line for a ride had gotten at one point.
It isn't often the general public gets a good prospective of snowmobilers, but the Sno Trackers think doing something as simple as giving sled rides, sure goes a long ways.
Attached are a couple of photos from that day and if there are questions, you can contact our club president, Mark Weber, who coordinated our participation at the event.