MnUSA Officers

MnUSA To Elect Officers at Annual Meeting

At its annual meeting during the 2017 MnUSA Fall Workshop, the General Membership of Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association (MnUSA) will elect officers for the upcoming year. Terms run from November 1 - October 31. Absentee ballots are available through the MnUSA office.


Rod Seibel, Bemidji

Club: North Country Snowmobile Club

Relevant Experience: More than 50 years as a snowmobiler and have experienced almost any issue that can affect snowmobiling. Leadership roles in Snowmobile North Dakota, including president. MnUSA Roles: Director, secretary and vice president. Experience working with legislature, in trail development and landowner relations. I can work with almost anyone to achieve a mutual agreement to any issue.

Three Things I want to Accomplish:

1. To carry on many of the good things past officers and directors have begun.

2. To increase membership with emphasis on getting our younger generation involved.

3. To work for adequate funding for our trails. We have an awesome statewide trail system. Let's work to make it even better for future generations.

Why do you want to serve in this position?

I have a wealth of snowmobile knowledge that I want to share and put to good use for all. If we can unite MnUSA members and non-members, we can take snowmobiling into the future.

Vice President

Rod Seibel, Bemidji

Club: North Country Snowmobile Club

Experience: Currently MNUSA Secretary, Past MNUSA Region 1 Director, 20+ Years as Director or President of Snowmobile North Dakota

Goals as Vice President:

1. Increase membership

2. Work to unite all Minnesota Snowmobilers in a common cause to keep our trail system and make it better.

3. Due to increasing costs, we need to work to keep or increase funding to our clubs for the trail work they do.

Why do you want to serve in this position?

I have been involved in snowmobiling for most of my life. I feel after dealing with trail programs, safety programs and the politics involved with snowmobiling that I have acquired too much information to just put it on the shelf. I want to share and used the knowledge to make snowmobiling better for future generations.


Marc Dahlquist, Dayton

Club(s): Northwest Trails Association, Hamel Sno-Runners, Maple Plain Snomads

Experience: Past President of Hamel Sno-Runners and Northwest Trails Association. Served on the MnUSA Board of Directors for 3 years prior to current term as Treasurer.

Goals as Secretary:

1. Ensure effective communication within MnUSA and local clubs.

2. Increase membership via Stewardship and “Showing Up”!

3. Realize an increase in membership and strength in our organization.

Why do you want to serve in this position?

To assist MnUSA with functions needed for seamless operation. Finding innovative ways to increase membership and visibility with ALL snowmobilers in Minnesota is probably our highest priority (or at least it should be). Gathering with fellow riders and legislators at events and meetings is critical to fostering a sense of belonging, fellowship and trust within the organization…we need to be determined in our efforts to make a difference in our State and for the betterment of snowmobiling!


Richard C. (Rick) Johnson, Minnetonka

Club: Pequaywan Area Trailblazers. Although I live in the metro area, all of my snowmobile activity is based near our family cabin north of Duluth.

Experience: Chair, MnUSA Bylaws Committee. Director, MnUSA Region 7 (7 years). Treasurer/Business Manager, Pequaywan Area Trailblazers (9 years) and Pequaywan Lakes Volunteer Fire Department (10 years). Volunteer tax counselor, TaxAide, a nationwide free tax preparation program sponsored by AARP Foundation, (18 years), Registered Professional Engineer (Retired), State of Minnesota.

Goals as Treasurer:

1. Ensure complete and accurate financial information reporting to Members, Board of Directors, and Accounting Professionals.

2. Assist the Members, Executive Board, and Staff to protect our trails and the dedicated Snowmobile Fund.

3. Assist in any way to grow the membership of MnUSA

Why do you want to serve in this position?

As an active snowmobiler for over 35 years, I welcome the opportunity to “give back”, in some small way, to the best organization that has ever served snowmobiling in Minnesota.

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