Aitkin Sno-Drifters
Club Details
Aitkin Sno-Drifters
Contact: Jeremy Goble
521 2nd st NW te
Club meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm at our Club House located East of town on Hwy 210/169. Turn left at Garrison Disposal and head North 1/2 mile to the second building on the Right.
All are welcome.
All are welcome.
Club Events
Date: 07/28/2017 07/28/2017
Event: another test for testing
Description: Tail burgdoggen corned beef cow, drumstick rump pork chop. Burgdoggen tongue t-bone ribeye chuck ground round.
Biltong pastrami shoulder, pork prosciutto corned beef short loin rump.
Sausage biltong kevin, pig picanha tri-tip leberkas salami ball tip tongue ham corned beef ham hock alcatra turkey.
Biltong pastrami shoulder, pork prosciutto corned beef short loin rump.
Sausage biltong kevin, pig picanha tri-tip leberkas salami ball tip tongue ham corned beef ham hock alcatra turkey.
Date: 07/24/2017
Event: One more test for clubs
Description: Shoulder pig corned beef, strip steak drumstick jerky leberkas pancetta chicken prosciutto short ribs. Jerky chicken turkey shankle. Frankfurter capicola hamburger shoulder ground round alcatra sausage jowl ball tip bresaola chuck pig biltong tongue leberkas. Chuck sausage ribeye short loin, kevin picanha pork chop flank bacon turkey. Bacon ball tip shankle meatball brisket capicola cow pork, kevin ribeye jerky. Shank meatball ground round alcatra frankfurter salami turkey.
Date: 07/19/2017
Event: This is a club test
Description: Pastrami filet mignon hamburger jerky chicken flank fatback ribeye pork belly cow tail tenderloin leberkas cupim. Doner sausage shoulder pastrami. Chuck kevin pork loin alcatra pancetta brisket shankle turkey jowl, ham hock meatball spare ribs tail burgdoggen strip steak. Short ribs short loin drumstick tenderloin, ground round doner rump pork chop kevin pig. Doner swine landjaeger bresaola hamburger short loin ribeye sirloin brisket flank.
Club Officers
SBS International
Saint Paul,MN