MnUSA 2018 Winter Rendezvous
Izatys Resort Site for 2018 Rendezvous Event
Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association is pleased to announce that the 2018 Winter Rendezvous has been awarded to the Rum River Sno-Riders Snowmobile Club at Izatys Resort on Mille Lacs Lake. The event will take place on February 8-11, 2018 and attracts 300 to 400 snowmobilers from around the State. Lodging is available at Izatys Resort and other facilities throughout the area. Many activities are scheduled throughout the weekend which will showcase the area trail system and amenities. The club is very excited to get this opportunity and planning is underway for the event with support of local clubs Mille Lacs DriftSkippers, Mille Lacs Trails, Grandy Northern Lites, Hillman SwampStompers, and Mystic Riders. Also supporting the event is the Outlaw Grass Drags, the Garrison Commercial Club and the Isle Chamber of Commerce.
Registration for the event is though the Rum River Sno-Riders and is separate from lodging reservations.
2018 Rendezvous Lodging Information Open Item
2018 Rendezvous Registration Form Open Item
2018 Rendezvous Sponsor Package Open Item
Two Harbors,MN
Silver Bay,MN