MnUSA 2017 Fall Workshop
Thumper Pond Resort set for the MnUSA October Annual Meeting & Seminars
Region 9 MnUSA is your host for the 2017 Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association Annual Meeting and Fall Workshop on October 27-29, 2017 at Thumper Pond Resort, 300 Thumper Lodge Rd, Ottertail. Lodging at Thumper Pond is available only under the Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association group block - 877-294-7981. All rooms booked by October 3rd are $89.95/night.
Registration is separate from lodging. October 1, 2017 is the deadline for early bird registration rates.
The weekend will include seminars of interest for all club members, special speakers, DNR roundtable discussions, Snowmobile Safety Instructor Training on Friday evening and lots of hospitality. Sunday morning will be MnUSA’s Annual Meeting with presentations from both DNR Parks & Trails and DNR Enforcement.
Additional information will be available so please check back for updates.
Fall Workshop Registration Form Open Item
Fall Workshop Vendor Information Open Item